April 17, 2008

fell asleep

Im trying to be a good student and stay up late and study. i have this weird thing that if im writing or typing when i fall asleep i keep writing and typing but i do it about the stuff im dreaming about. soo... i just did that. I was typing about metatarsus adductus, which as you know, is a common foot structural concern where the metatarsal is adducted (toward midline). anyway i was typing about how if it doesnt go back its a structural deformity. but that its flexible and makes it back to midline. right about flexible i fell asleep. i woke up and had typed. flexible and can most often people order pie. the last time this happened was sophomore year where i turned in that paper where a sentence ended in sandwiches and tomatoes. the time before that it was hand written notes during biology and wrote he went up the stairs. anyway i just thought it was great and everyone is asleep so who am i gonna tell right now?


whatthehaleman said...

Amy, that is one of the funniest sleep walking type stories I have heard in a long time. The next time you stay at Casa De Hale I'm totally going to give you something to write or type on. Slim chances you'll do it then, but if you do...oh man, that'd be great!
Maybe it'll say something like this:
"I had a great time at Casa De Hale again. Thanks for the great beer and it was really cool when the kangaroo jumped over the ice cream cone mountain."
...come over any time you want.

colleen said...

i am smiling. i am smiling right now as i type this. i'm so glad you are my cousin and that you are Amy. :)