August 13, 2008


man oh man am i boring. no new posts and really not that much to say anyway. 


colleen said...

i'm sure you have lots of pictures you could post. hmmm??? do you? i think you dooo-oooo...

whatthehaleman said...

Boring...Amy? I don't think the two go together at all. I know there has to be something crazy happening in your life or at least something worth noting. I know there is a trip to Casa de Hale coming up and that is exciting! Can't wait

colleen said...

amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy amy <3

colleen said...

hey amy, how are you?? this is a great's so good to know what's going on with you!!

love, colleen

whatthehaleman said...

So where is this blog update I'm supposed to be checking for? What the heck?! And why is Pasadena "Pasadangerous?"

colleen said...

yeah, what he said.